Interplanetary Travel Service
- Earth to Mars - single all-inclusive round trip ticket
- This is a round trip ticket from Earth to Mars and back for one person.
- Total mission duration is about 824 days. Total cost: $2,000,000
Manned Mars Mission profile
1. Earth liftoff
Several space transports will liftoff from Earth and rendezvous in low
Earth orbit (LEO) with prepositioned refueling facilities. Each transport
will carry 50 to 100 people and their luggage. The space transports will
be refueled in LEO.
2. Lift from LEO to HEO (High Earth Orbit)
The space transports will lift their passengers from LEO to HEO. This
will take about three days. All transports will rendezvous with the single
Mars shuttle which will be waiting at L4 or L5. (L4 and L5 are two points
along the orbital path of the Moon. One is 60 degrees ahead of the Moon
and the other is 60 degrees behind the Moon.) The passengers will transfer
to the Mars shuttle and the transports will return to their refueling facilities
in LEO. There they will refuel again and return to Earth.
3. Departure from Lunar orbit
At the proper launch moment, the spaceship will break out of Lunar
orbit by firing several hundred projectiles in the opposite direction. This
will take about one day and will start the ship on its trajectory toward Mars.
4. Acceleration to cruising speed
Over the next several days the ship will receive hundreds of more
projectiles from the EMPL positioned at the north pole of the Moon.
These projectiles will accelerate the ship to cruising speed of
about 20 kilometers per second in the outward direction (toward Mars).
5. Flight to Mars
Depending on the choice of departure dates, the flight to Mars will
take anywhere from 35 to 60 days. As the ship approaches Mars it will
be slowed down by receiving hundreds of projectiles from another EMPL
which will be orbiting Mars in the orbit of Phobos, the inner Moon (or
satellite) of Mars.
6. Transfer to landing craft
The passengers and their luggage and other equipment will be transferred
by orbital shuttle to the Mars landing craft. There will be 10 landing craft,
each with a capacity of 100 passengers.
7. Separation of the landing craft
The landing craft will separate and adjust their orbits to land at 10
different sites on Mars.
8. Mars landing
Mars landing will be coordinated so that all 10 landers will touch down
at the same time. Thus all passengers can claim to be to the very FIRST
9. Living on Mars
The passengers will don their spacesuits and proceed to their living
quarters ("hotel"). These living quarters will have been positioned at the
10 landing sites by a previous ROBOTIC mission. Hydroponic gardens
will also be present at each site and they will provide the food which the
passengers will eat while living on Mars. Actual time on Mars will be
about 2 YEARS. This is the time it will take for Earth and Mars to return
to the proper positions in space for the return flight.
10. Returning to Earth
The entire process will be repeated in reverse to return the passengers
SAFELY to Earth - and a hero's welcome! The total duration of the first
manned mission to Mars is expected to be about 824 days or 2 years and
3 months.
- Earth to Mars - single all-inclusive round trip ticket
- This is a round trip ticket from Earth to Mars and back for one person.
- Total mission duration is about 824 days. Total cost: $2,000,000