Tickets for the First Manned Mission to Mars
- This offer is genuine. If you are really interested, call
- me at 940-783-1364 between 7 & 11PM US Central
- daylight time, any day. Ask for Chris Willis
A total of 1000 tickets will be sold.
Flight schedule (preliminary) - Destination Mars
- Outward
Inward bound
- Earth departure Mars arrival
Mars departure Earth arrival
- July 15, 2018 Aug. 21, 2018
Sept. 28, 2020 Nov. 10, 2020
- Sept. 25, 2020 Nov. 15, 2020
Nov. 18, 2022 Jan. 10, 2023
Advanced purchase of tickets
- 1. The price of each round-trip ticket is $2,000,000. If you think
- that is high, consider this. The US taxpayers spent about
- billion (in today's dollars) to put 12 men on the
Moon. That works
- out to $10 billion per ticket
or 5000 times my price.
- 2. Tickets may be purchased NOW, but no person or organization will
- be allowed more than 10 tickets.
- 3. Ticket payments will be used to finance the development of the space
- transportation facilities and hence will not be refundable.
- 4. Ticket owners will receive stock certificates in the amount of their
- payments. The stock is in the Texas corporation known as
- World Inc. This will be non-voting stock, but will
receive dividends
- if any are declared. If and when Android World becomes a
- corporation, ticket holders may sell their stock and still
retain their tickets.
- If this company is successful, you may go to Mars for
- 5. Payments may be either a lump sum or in 20 equal (annual) payments of
- $100,000, but in the latter case, payments must be completed at
least six
- months before departure.
- 6. Ticket owners may give or sell their ticket(s) to any other person,
- however, only qualified persons will be permitted to go (see
Conditions & Limitations
- 1. All passengers must be in good health at the time of departure (due to
- limited medical personnel and facilities).
- 2. No guns will be allowed.
- 3. No illegal drugs will be allowed.
- 4. No felons will be allowed.
- 5. No smoking will be allowed.
- 6. No pregnant women will be allowed (due to limited medical personnel
- and facilities).
- 7. The weight of each passenger and their luggage will be limited to
- 400 pounds.
- 8. Food during the entire trip will be vegetarian - no meat or fish. But,
- passengers may bring small amounts of meat as part of their
- 9. The same applies to alcoholic beverages.
Each ticket owner will receive the following:
- 1. One all-inclusive round-trip ticket.
- 2. Stock in Android World as mentioned above.
- 3. A complimentary Mars Explorer kit.
- 4. Passengers may design their own cabin or choose one of our designs.
- 5. Passengers will select their initial Mars landing site.
Special one-time only offer
- The first person or organization to purchase a ticket will receive two tickets
for the price of one. So, the first buyer can take their spouse for FREE!