- George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
- Marshall Space FLight Center, AL., 35812
- Jonathon W. Campbell, Ph.D
- Intersellar Transportation Working Group
- Advanced Concepts Group
"intriguing approach for accelerating spacecraft for interplanetary and
perhaps even interstellar missions"
<= Full text of letter
- John F. Kennedy Space Flight Center
- Kennedy Space Center, FL., 32899
- Hugh W. Harris
- Director, Public Affairs Office
" Your proposal for using an electromagnetic projectile propulsion system was
forwarded to me yesterday. It is a very interesting concept and I
apologize for the fact you have not had a response earlier".
<= Full text of letter
- Langley Research Center
- Hampton, VA., 23681-0001
- Delma C. Freeman
- Chief
- Space Systems & Concepts Division
- Subject: Interplanetary Travel
"This is in response to your letter of July 1, 1996, describing your concept ofr
interplanetary travel. This is a very challenging area which needs the kind of
creative and visionary analysis you have applied to this issue."
<= Full text of letter
- Langley Research Center
- Hampton, VA., 23681-0001
- Theodore Talay, Ph.D
- Senior Engineer
- Space Systems & Concepts Division
- Subject: Interplanetary Travel
"The author of these papers and patent has put forth some very visionary
ideas about large scale expeditions to the planets and has the steps to get there."
... The costs estimated for the infrastructure and planetary spaceships appears low by
even "new ways of doing business" standards. ... In general, the systems propsed
would require significant development and testing before being practically applied.
<= Full text of letter
- Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- 2101 NASA Road 1
- Houston, Texas, 77058-3696
- Warren L. Brasher
- Chief, Propulsion and Power Division
- Subject: Spaceship Propulsion by EMPL Momentum Transfer
"..the economic and engineering challenges for the electromagnetically launched,
captured, and relaunched propulsion system you envision are significant. ... Free and
creative thinking are necessary for the future development of space. However, at
present practical funding limitations are requiring NASA to set nearer term objectives
than your proposed system can provide".
<= Full text of letter
- Lewis Research Center
- Cleveland, OH., 44135-3191
- J.J. Nieberding
- Chief
- Advanced Space Analysis Office
... Concepts requiring fewer large infrastructures are more attractive than those
needing multiple staging bases, large fixed power facilities, and new Earth-to-orbit
transportation systems. ... we strongly suggest that you review cost and schedule data for
other space programs such as Apollo, Space Station, etc. ... the order of magnitude ...
are significantly different than your proposal.
<= Full text of letter